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Darla L. Henry

Developer of the 3-5-7 Model®

Darla L. Henry is a Social Worker, Trainer, Teacher and Consultant with extensive knowledge and experience in the Child Welfare field. With a mission to build a path toward healing and well-being for children, youth and families in the child welfare system, Darla established and authored the 3-5-7 Model®. Darla’s doctoral research, which focused on resilience in maltreated children (Child Welfare, 1999) provides a foundation for understanding the life experiences of children, youth and families who are engaged in child welfare services. Additional experiences in special needs adoption, group homes, foster care, private clinical practice and teaching in schools of social work, have all contributed to the basis of her work, philosophies and practices.

Stephanie Hodge Wolfe

Purveyor of The 3-5-7 Model®



Stephanie Hodge Wolfe is a Licensed Social Worker who has been engaged in child welfare practice for over 25 years. Her work has focused on service delivery in foster care, adoption and post-adoption areas of practice. Stephanie began training and coaching on the 3-5-7 Model® in 2010 and has supported implementation of the 3-5-7 Model® across the United States and Canada.  Stephanie has also served as a consultant on several Children’s Bureau initiatives, including: the National Quality Improvement Center on Adoption and Guardianship Support and Preservation (QIC-AG), the National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC), Critical Ongoing Resource Family Education (CORE) Teen Curriculum, and the Quality Improvement Center on Engaging Youth in Finding Permanency (QIC-EY).  Stephanie established The Academy for Child Welfare Practice in 2024, with a mission to improve child welfare practice with intention and purpose.


Mission Statement

We support professional staff in the process of empowering children, youth, and families to grieve losses and build and rebuild relationships.

Vision Statement

Children, youth, and families experience healing within their relationships.

Values/Core Beliefs

  • Each individual grows, heals, and develops a sense of self in their relationships.
  • Healing is a personal and relational process honoring the individual.
  • Each individual gives meaning and definition to their own relationships.
  • Authentic information sharing, active listening, and being present during the pain are essential components of supporting a healing journey.
  • Critical thinking skills and the ability to engage in crucial conversations are essential for those supporting children, youth, and families through their healing journey.