Grants & Research Projects

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Grants & Research Projects

We welcome discussion about the use of the 3-5-7 Model® in grant and research projects.  As a licensed and copyrighted product, the 3-5-7 Model® cannot be used without expressed written permission from The Academy for Child Welfare Practice, LLC.  Authorization to use the 3-5-7 Model® in grants is considered when the following criteria is met:

Clearinghouse Information

California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse (CEBC)

The 3-5-7 Model® was included in the California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse (CEBC) for Child Welfare in August 2011.  CEBC is an agency that tracks and rates child welfare practices/interventions.  The model is listed at the highest relevancy level by CEBC. The 3-5-7 Model® does not yet have the type of published, peer-reviewed research that meets the CEBC criteria for a scientific rating of 1 – 5. Therefore, the program has been given the classification of “NR – Not able to be Rated.”

Research & Evaluation

The Academy for Child Welfare Practice provides consultation to organizations in developing outcomes, identification and monitoring through the following:

The 3-5-7 Model® has been included in research and evaluation grants and projects since 2011.  Below is a summary of the formal research, evaluation, and grants in which we have participated.  Please contact us if you are interested in more detailed information regarding the following.

Children’s Bureau Five Year Federal Demonstration Projects

Children’s Bureau Intensive Child-Focused Adoptive Parent Recruitment Grants (17-month grants beginning 9/30/14)